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Why you NEED tanning lotion!

The UV light from the tanning equipment will stimulate melanin cells in your skin, which create the tan; however, there are two facts that are vital to know. First, it takes several minutes for the UV light to actually stimulate melanin production and secondly, UV light exposure will definitely draw moisture out of your skin. Not only will all of our products speed up melanin production so you get more color in Iess time, they also help nourish and feed your skin moisture during and after your session. Moist skin tans faster & more efficiently, resulting in a better tan in fewer visits! Tanning lotions allow for better magnification, giving you maximum results! Moisturized skin readily absorbs UV light, while dry skin reflects it. There are added benefits, when using a bronzer or a tingle, you get immediate results. Plus most tanning lotions reduce after tan odor.

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